30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 20

For this day the topic is – bokeh. For those of you who are not familiar with this term – bokeh is the blurry part in the “depth” of a photo (for example, your face is in the focus and it’s perfectly sharp, while the background is out of focus and therefore blurred).

To be honest, I didn’t have much time today and I wasn’t able to chase the perfect scene, so I decided to display the same scene both in the focus and as a bokeh. I took my phone, turned the camera on and focused a scene. Then I took my DSLR camera, set maximal aperture and the largest focal length, focused the phone display, while the scene itself remained blurry.

20.jpgThere it is… A bokeh and a sharp version of the same scene in one photo 🙂

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 19

For the day 19, the topic is – something orange.

Of course, the first thing that hit my mind was the sunset. And the colors were really nice, so I didn’t want to miss the chance. The first photo that I took was at the beginning of the “golden hour”, while there still were some clouds. But it was more yellow than orange, and I didn’t want to ruin the picture in the post-processing by artificially changing the temperature and color balance.

So I waited for about half an hour, and the sky and the Sun itself became just enough orange. But there were no more clouds and the photo would be much less interesting. So I came back inside and decided to take a photo through the curtains. I set the focus on the curtain with the aperture wide open, which made the Sun blurry, so the orange color spilled nicely throughout the picture.


What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 18

For this day the topic is – your shoes.

Recently I have bought a pair of elegant shoes for my upcoming wedding, and those shoes were the perfect candidate for the photo. This time the first shot that I’ve taken was the best one, so this was an easy challenge day 🙂


What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 17

For today we have technology as the topic. For that purpose, I borrowed a Raspberry Pi from my workplace and brought it home for a photo shooting.

As always, I made several shots from different angles and chose the one that I thought was the most interesting. It was a close-up made from right above the “pie”.


So there you go – a bunch of transistors, resistors, capacitors, inductors and other “tors” for today 🙂

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 16

For this day the topic is – long exposure… and I have a confession to make. I didn’t make the photo today :). Since I have a whole bunch of long exposure photos, it wasn’t important for me to make a photo today. The more important thing is to use this challenge to take the photos on some other topics that I do not usually do.

So for today I choosed a photo that was made a few days ago on the Kalemegdan fortress in Belgrade. I was walking around and looking for some nice scenes, when I stumbled upon a fireworks from one of the boats on the Sava river. Luckily, I was carrying my camera mounted on the tripod and I could set it up quickly and catch the last few fireworks shots.

A bit of contrast and vibrance adjusting, and here it is:


What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 15

Halfway through the challenge and I’m not tired yet 🙂

For this day the topic was – silhouette. As always, lots of ideas emerged, but today I was able to do some nature shooting and I knew exactly where I am going to shoot. I drove a few kilometers from my hometown and stopped in the middle of wheat fields. There was a couple of trees in the distance and I positioned myself so that the trees were west from me. I have arrived there an hour before the sunset so I had plenty of time to experiment and to find the best angle.

Finally, when the Sun was near the horizon, I made the “main” shot. I adjusted the exposure so that almost no post-processing was needed. I just adjusted the saturation and white balance a little bit and that was all.

The final result:


I also made some more nice shots which do not fit the topic for today, but I’ll publish them on my Instagram profile, so you can see all of it 🙂

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 14

The topic for Day 14 is – eyes.

Since the unofficial title of my photography portfolios is “The World Through My Eyes“, that was exactly what I wanted to present in this photo.

So I made a close-up of my eye, found a stock image of Earth on the Internet, and combined them. Then I used a layer mask to remove the middle spot of the Earth, where the eye pupil is located. I also adjusted the transparency of the Earth layer, and here is the final result:


Thank you for following the world through my eyes 🙂

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 13

The topic for the Day 13 of this challenge is – you with 13 objects.

There is a vast choice of objects and I was thinking the whole day what to use… Finally, I decided to be – a Pacman :). On my way home I bought a bag of small chocolates which I was going to “eat”. I arranged 12 of them on the table and as the 13th object I put one cherry. That was going to be a “special” food which would give me super powers (I needed to be able to eat the ghosts if they appeared).

I took a couple of photos and picked the one with the best angle (I was shooting handheld and had no idea what the composition looks like):


As you can see, there was a lot of unnecessarry space around the main scene, so I cropped the photo, and made the table grayscale so that the “Pacman food” would be emphasized.

Then I added blue lines to make a part of the maze and darkened the areas outside of maze paths.

Ready to start playing level 1 🙂


What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow, keep loving each other 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 12

Today was a beautiful day in Belgrade, perfect for the topic of Day 11 – sunset. I work from 9 to 17h and today I also had German lessons which ended at 18:30, so I had just enough time to get to the ideal place to capture the sunset.

The day before I informed myself when will the sunset happen (I used the application called The Photographer’s Ephemeris). This app is great, it lets you choose the exact position you’re at, and it will show you the time and the direction of sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset, as well as the Moon’s phase. The web version is free to use, so try it out, you’ll be satisfied.

I arrived to the Kalemegdan fortress in Belgrade approximately one hour before the sunset, so I had the whole golden hour to explore and to take photos from different places at different sunset phases. The final result – 70 photos in my camera:


(the thumbnails are tiny, but don’t worry, you’ll have a chance to see large versions of the best photos on my Instagram profile)

As you can imagine, I had a hard time deciding which photo will be the one that is going to be published as a part of this challenge. Finally, I opted for the one which has the Sava – Danube confluence, the sun and the “Victor” statue.

_DSC0030 (2) (Large)

The angle was nice, and I made this kind of exposure on purpose. I was using spot metering so I could expose for the sky because I wanted to catch as much of those colors as possible. Aperture was f/4, shutter speed 1/2000s, ISO 100. As always, I was shooting RAW, so I knew I would be able to recover some of the dark parts in the post-processing. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my tripod with me, so I couldn’t make several different exposures from exactly the same spot.

So I opened this image in the Photoshop, increased blacks and shadows, decreased whites and highlights a little bit, increased contrast, vibrance, and also clarity, to achieve the final effect:


There you go, a beautiful sunset in Belgrade.

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 11

Today’s topic is – something blue.

There are many blue things around me and it was hard to decide what will be the subject in today’s photo. My fiancée and I together decided that the winner would be a blue shot glass. I was to take a photo of myself drinking from it. I set up a tripod and a remote shutter release, sat down in front of my camera and took a couple of photos. Then I picked one of them, cropped it and adjusted saturation and vibrance so the blue color would be emphasized.

I will leave it to you to guess what I was drinking 😉


What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)