30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 30

Well, the last day of this challenge has come. It was quite an adventure 🙂

I started with this challenge because I wanted to force myself out of my comfort zone and I wanted to have some extrinsic motivation to take photos with totally different themes. During the challenge I had to create self-portraits (which I hated), I had to take a photo of clouds on a day with almost no visible clouds at all, I needed to photograph “something pink” even though I didn’t have almost any pink object in the apartment, and I had some weird topics, e.g. “what you wore today”. But I forced myself to create at least one photo for each of the topics. The best ones were published.

Most of the photos were taken using Nikon D3200 + 18-55mm kit lens (and occasionally using a tripod). A few photos were taken using Huawei P9 Lite. Almost all of them were post-processed in Photoshop in order to make them not-so-ordinary 🙂

I want to write a thank-you-note too. My fiancée was a great support, giving me ideas and advices for some topics, and I am very thankful to her 🙂

Now back to the topic, for the last day of this challenge I had to create another self-portrait.

During the challenge I was forced to think differently, to break some of the self-imposed rules, and generally I had to be somebody else from time to time. So I decided to take a portrait of my multi-personality 🙂

My camera was set on a tripod, self-timer was set to 10 seconds, with 6 consecutive shots. One of the shots was empty (i.e. without me in the frame), and in the other 5 photos I took different poses.

I merged all the photos, set the layer masks so that only I was left in each layer, I decreased opacity of all the layers (except the layer without me in it), and I also converted the image to black & white.


At least I broke my aversion to being in front of a camera… and I broke it five times 🙂

Thank you everybody for following my adventure in this challenge, and also for following my Instagram profile and leaving comments. Please continue doing so, your feedback is very important to me, it makes me a better photographer.

My work can be found on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos).

Once again – thank you and I’ll see you soon in some other adventure.

All the best,


30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 29

One day until the end of this challenge. Today the topic is – black & white.

To be honest, I like black & white photos, but I don’t create them as often as I probably should. Today I decided to use a night photo that I’ve made over a highway in Belgrade. For this topic I didn’t want to use a long exposure, because I think that light trails wouldn’t look so nice in B&W mode. That’s why I’ve used the automatic mode without flash. I didn’t want to mess up the picture with manual settings and this time I’ve trusted my camera to choose the perfect settings for me.

As for the post-processing, I reduced the saturation to 0, increased shadows and whites, decreased blacks and highlights, and increased contrast just a little.

And that’s pretty much it. Enjoy the view 🙂


What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 28

Again one of my favorite themes – flowers.

For this day I picked a photo that I’ve made a couple of weeks ago in the village of Bistrica.

It was a rainy day, so my choice was to take several close-up shots of various stuff. I think this one was just fine.

rainy (2).jpg

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 27

Today’s topic is – from a distance. The first thing that hit my mind was to get out on my balcony and to take a shot of an airplane taking off from or landing at the Belgrade airport. And so I did.

I checked the schedule of arrivals and departures and their flight routes on FlightRadar24, and I saw that a DHL’s cargo Boeing 737 is preparing to take off for Linz. Another plane was approaching Belgrade and its route was from the northwest, so I supposed that the DHL is going to take off towards southeast (in my direction). I took my camera and went outside, ready to take a photo. Luckily for me, the plane had an ideal route for this photo, as it took a right turn right over the building that I live in. With my 18-55mm lens this photo will surely be in accordance with the topic :).


Thank you, SMATSA air traffic control, for making this photo possible 🙂

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 26

Only a few more days until the end of this challenge. For today, my topic is – close-up. To be honest, that’s one of my favorite photography themes/techniques. Especially when I’m outside in the nature.

Today I wanted to pick an object inside my apartment and to take a photo of it from up close. I decided to use a miniature cactus as a model. It was already placed near the window and the afternoon sun has casted light on it just enough to create a nice contrast between the lit part and the shadow. I put my camera on a tripod, set a macro mode without the flash and made a few shots from different angles.

Then I opened one of them in Photoshop and lightened the shadows a little bit, just to bring out some nice details around the cactus’ needles.


What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 25

The topic for this day is – something pink.

Since both my fiancée and I hate pink things, we don’t have much things in that awful color. But we do have – Carlos.

Let me introduce you… Carlos is a flexible rubber bird toy, and he became a member of our household a few months ago. I plan to open an Instagram account for him, where I will post the photos from his daily routine.

For the beginning, meet Carlos:


Stay tuned and find out the link to Carlos’ personal account in a few days 🙂

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 24

Today’s topic – animal.

I will not go deep into details about the process of creating this photo because it’s too late and I’m tired as a dog…

Wait, did I say “a dog”?

Because that was exactly the animal that I’ve taken the photo of 🙂


There she is, a Dogo Argentino, keeping her eye on some kids passing by our yard.

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 23

The topic for this day is – sunflare. Unfortunately, there’s almost no sun today, so I’m going to cheat once again and to use a photo that was made a few days ago.

Originally, I was chasing a good photo for the Day 15 theme (silhouette), and I took this shot:


While I was browsing through the old photos, I noticed that this one also has a sunflare in it, so I decided to use it for today’s theme.

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 22

Todays topic – hands.

Here’s the hand that is both nurturing and torturing me 😛 🙂


What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 21

I was away for a few days, without Internet access, so I was unable to post anything, but now I’m back and I’m continuing with the challenge.

For the day 21, the topic is – faceless self-portrait.

At first I tried taking several photos from the same position (using a tripod) while I was entering and exiting the frame. My idea was to remove my head in the Photoshop, but I wasn’t able to make satisfying base photos. The next idea was to hide my face behind some object. I was thinking about using a mirror, my girlfriend was proposing a plant, so we came to a compromise – we will use a plant 🙂


Pretty faceless, wouldn’t you say so? 🙂

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)