30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 21

I was away for a few days, without Internet access, so I was unable to post anything, but now I’m back and I’m continuing with the challenge.

For the day 21, the topic is – faceless self-portrait.

At first I tried taking several photos from the same position (using a tripod) while I was entering and exiting the frame. My idea was to remove my head in the Photoshop, but I wasn’t able to make satisfying base photos. The next idea was to hide my face behind some object. I was thinking about using a mirror, my girlfriend was proposing a plant, so we came to a compromise – we will use a plant 🙂


Pretty faceless, wouldn’t you say so? 🙂

What do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos)

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