30 Days Photography Challenge – Day 2

New day – new topic. And for this day, the topic was – what you wore today.

Really? Who invented this challenge? Does anybody really want to see my underwear? Ok, you asked for it…

It’s Sunday, I’ve been outside for several hours, then I came home and put all the clothes in the washing machine. Now they are on the drying lines. My girlfriend gave me an idea how to arrange them so I could create some contrast (thankfully, there was a yellow T-shirt). I also altered the original photo a little bit, blurred out the background and grayscaled it.

You wanted to know what I wore today? Here you go:

2 (Large).jpgWhat do you think? What do you like the most? What would you do differently? Please leave your comment below, I would love to hear as many opinions as possible.

Until tomorrow 🙂


You can also follow my work on Facebook, Instagram and 500px (here you can also buy some of my photos).

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